Marble restoration projects are a lot more involved than just cleaning marble surfaces. Even if you use marble floor tiles in your home, you have to realize that they are made out of natural stones and no matter how much we want to keep them pristine, accidents will happen. Marble can be damaged in many ways and dirt can get underneath the polished surface. Marble is an extremely porous material and it is susceptible to cracking, blemishes, and stains.
Marble Restoration can restore your beautiful stone floor or countertops to a new shine. While every project is slightly different, simple marble restoration is basically a four step process. The first step in the process is grinding down the marble surfaces to remove all the heavy grit and debris. This step, sometimes called lippage removal or roughing, makes the surface smooth and flat. A honed or flat marble floor is more difficult to maintain but can really bring back the shine to the area.
It’s important to remember that marble restoration isn’t just about cleaning; it’s also about preventing dulling and staining in the first place. If you find your tile surfaces dull and have dull stains on them, there are a few things you can do. Try polishing them with a honed surface which will take care of any scratches and dull spots. Another thing you can do is place a protective sealer over the area after cleaning to prevent anything from staining the areas.
Stains on the marble restoration are usually caused by spills are the easiest to remove. When using acidic cleaners like lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar, and other types of household cleaners, be sure to rinse off all residue and then re-polish the tile. This process needs to be repeated at least a couple of times to remove as much of the acid stain as possible. Acidic cleaners are tough on stone, and once they are removed, the grout will be stained.
Some marble restoration involves adding an acid or a polish product to protect and restore the tile. You should do this only if the polishing product is low maintenance and you’re not attempting to remove unsightly stains or other imperfections. This should be done every few years, or even sooner if you live in an area where there is high traffic or weathering.
Cleaning and repairing damaged marble tiles used for flooring can be a tricky process. Since the material is so hard and wears so slowly, the repair often requires a series of repairs to complete the job. It’s important that you pay attention to the details of the job and only use the proper tools for the job. If you’re unsure as to whether or not the repair needs to include an acid cleaner or something else, make sure you ask the installer or repair person. Most tile installers and repair persons are trained professionals who know how to deal with stain removal in general.
The most common marble restoration task includes restoring dull or dingy grout. Bright sparkling new grout is often the object of desire for homeowners who want to give their floors a bright new shine. Unfortunately, the process of brightening up a dingy grout is very complex and often expensive. In many cases, a new surface must be installed in order to repair the discoloration.
A common marble restoration method that doesn’t require the application of any chemicals is simply foot traffic cleaning. In busy cities there is usually a lot of foot traffic, and this means that dirt will collect on the floors. If this dirt isn’t removed quickly it will cause scratches in the floor. By foot traffic cleaning the floors you can remove all of the dirt without chemicals.
Need marble restoration services? We offer trained heritage restoration services to do your work. Call us today!