Caulking Melbourne is a vital and often overlooked aspect of our water systems. It is also an essential first step for many domestic and industrial applications where the integrity of the pipes or lining needs to be considered before the final waterproofing of a pipe has been achieved. Caulking is used to fill the spaces between the inner and outer walls of pipes to prevent any water from making its way into the building envelope. The type of caulking you choose will depend on the type of pipe and application but there are a number of different types available including plastic, metal, fibreglass and rubber.
Plastic caulking is one of the most common forms used and is generally pliable and thick which makes it ideal for permeating many different sized pipes such as those in the water system. It is also resistant to a wide range of chemicals so it can be used in any application where chemical resistance is a concern. As it is very thick, it prevents small leaks from occurring by being a solid barrier. Metal caulking is also very popular because it is virtually impossible for water to pass through it. Metal fittings can be made out of steel, copper, aluminium and zinc all of which are very strong and durable.
Fibreglass is a great choice for anyone looking for a seal to protect against leaks in any water system. As it is pliable and clear, it has a very good level of elasticity making it highly resistant to stress. Unlike metal, rubber is unaffected by stress and is therefore very safe to use around your pipes. Rubber is also resistant to chemicals and will not corrode.
With this type of application you will need a certain type of rubber liquid or semi-wet paint. This is applied to the inside walls of your water system where it forms a rubber seal. If you wish to install the seal further along the pipe you can do so but we recommend you leave it as is as it will give you much better results. The type of rubber that you buy will depend on where your system is located. For example, if you are installing the system in a storm water drain near to a sewage plant then you should buy a rubber that is flexible to withstand the pressure of sewage.
There are two types of caulking that you can buy. The first is an elastomeric which is more rigid and durable and is recommended for larger areas and where you might need to seal a longer pipe. The other is a rubber micropore which is smaller than elastomeric but will still stand up to a large area as it is very flexible. Both are very good at reducing the amount of water penetrating the pipe and reducing the amount of drip that occurs. However they both will require more maintenance than the elastomeric caulking.
When you install your new water system the professionals will suggest some rubber caulking after the pipe has been installed to prevent water from seeping through. This will give it a bit more life and durability. If you want to save yourself some money then you can do it yourself by applying some caulking to the interior of the pipe. This gives the system a bit more longevity but not as much as elastomeric caulking. No matter which one you use the important thing is to keep your water systems working well and to keep them sealed and free of water damage.
If you need internal or external caulking in Melbourne, IB Caulking team should be the first one you call. We are one of the city’s most trusted caulking specialists and will be able to deliver an affordable and effective caulking solution every time.