Home Improvements for Winter – Insulation and Heat Management

Posted by on Apr 11, 2013 in General Home Tips | Comments Off

building-30231_150What are some home improvement ideas you can use for winter? There are several different things you can do to save energy during the winter months. Most of these ideas are relatively inexpensive, but not all.


The first thing you need to do it have your heating specialist come out and evaluate your heating system before the cold weather comes. He may recommend that you have your heating unit tuned up; this is always a good place to start. Your heating specialist will diagnose your unit and check for problems that may lead to inefficiency or even carbon monoxide poisoning. If worse comes to worse it may be feasible to have your heating unit replaced. A heating upgrade can save you quite a bit the cost of heating your home is about 30% of you homes energy bill.

If your heating system is new, or pretty new, you will most likely not need an upgrade. However, you will need to take the time to change your filter; this should be done once a month.

Energy Audit

Have an energy audit done on your home. This will help you to find out just where your heat is escaping. How efficient is your home when it comes to holding the heat. Duct work is another important issue, what condition is it in, and is the heat escaping before it gets where it needs to go? Insulation, if you have cold spots in your walls it is possible that your insulation is compromised.


Windows are one the biggest culprits when it comes to heat loss. Make sure that you check around your windows for and drafts. One way to battle the heat loss through windows would be to use insulated blinds and curtain. If things are really bad you can buy reflective bubble wrap foil, this will dramatically reduce the radiant energy loss in your home. When checking out you windows, take the time to caulk around them if needed.

Many people recommend a programmable thermostat. These are very nice and help you to use your furnace more effectively. They are inexpensive, but somewhat hard to operate.

Other Leaks

Close up any air leaks that you can find. You may be surprised, but many leaks come from aroundfeet-99991_150 electric plug ins and light switches. You can use a smoke stick to find air leaks in your home. Be sure to replace any old gaskets around your doors, and seal you attic hatch.

These few things I mentioned will certainly help you reduce your energy bill.